Alfredo Leon, a Venezuelan architect, came to Florida in 2001 to advise new clients with design needs. As director of Abitar Design Group LLC, Leon is dedicated to architecture and interior design.
The company expertly manages architectural projects, construction, and remodeling, in addition to the interior design of homes, offices, restaurants, and commercial spaces. With a team of licensed architects and engineers, licensed and insured contractors, subcontractors as well as project managers and assistants, Abitar offers a one-stop response.
Leon himself offers more than 36 years of experience since completing his education with honors in Venezuela.
“Our greatest contentment is our client’s happiness with their final project results,” Leon says. “We only care for our client satisfaction, through a professional and innovative response to all their design project needs.”
2330 NE 192 ST., MIAMI, FL
754-234-0871 | ALFREDOLEON.NET
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